Building on the heritage and history of the 100 plus years of awards traditionally held at Nantwich, Cheshire, Brand Distillery have been instrumental in helping the awards move to its new venue in Staffordshire from 2021. With this has come the addition of further expansions to the award categories, the addition of Cheese Board Awards to celebrate everything that goes with cheese. The relocation has been important to engage with the UK retailers and producers, and further develop its ties with the International dairy producers. 2021 also saw the development of a standalone consumer brand 'Love Cheese Live'.
We approached the project by first developing two new and complimentary brands Love Cheese and The Cheese Board Awards bringing a vibrant, relevant and in the case of Love Cheese a visual identity that would resonate with the consumer. We have developed new websites to complement the new brands and a suite of marketing literature.
Secondly, we have refocused some of the marketing strategy to help facilitate increased take up from the major UK supermarket sector as well as helping the event enlarge its audience and engage with the primary cheese shoppers in the UK with the expansion of its awards into the cheese accompaniments market.